Article 1 Purpose

These Terms and Conditions are established to define the basic matters such as the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the parties (either individuals or corporations, hereinafter referred to as “Members”) and the Company regarding the use of the PERSO service (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) provided by ESTsoft Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”).

Article 2 Definitions

The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:
1. PERSO Service and Products: This refers to the PERSO service, AI human, and all related technologies and content provided by the Company.
2. PERSO STUDIO: This is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that creates videos using AI human and voice.
3. PERSO LIVE: This is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that enables real-time conversations with AI human.
4. Member: This refers to a person or entity that agrees to these Terms and Conditions, enters into the Terms of Service with the Company, and is assigned a user ID. Members are allowed to use the Service provided by the Company.
5. ID: This refers to a combination of letters, numbers, or both, selected by the Member and approved by the Company, used for Member identification and service use (hereinafter referred to as “ID”).
6. Password: This refers to a combination of letters and numbers set by the Member to verify their identity and protect their privacy.
7. Paid Service: This refers to the services provided by the Company that Members are allowed to use by paying a certain fee to the Company.
8. Credit: This refers to a payment means used to access paid services provided by the Company.
9. Terms of Service: This refers to a contract concluded between the Company and the Member for the provision of the Service, as stipulated in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions.
10. Service Suspension: This refers to the Company’s restriction on the Member’s use of the Service under these Terms and Conditions.
11. Termination: This refers to the termination of the service agreement between the Company and the Member.
12. Data: This encompasses all information or content, including text, photos, videos, files, and other materials, posted or transmitted via PERSO services and products.
13. Content: This refers to data or knowledge expressed in codes, letters, sounds, images, or videos processed electronically, in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Information and Communications Network Act”) and the Framework Act on Intelligent Informatization.
14. Webpage: This includes the PERSO website, brand pages, and service pages related to PERSO.
15. User-Generated Content: This refers to content created and downloaded by Members using the Service, as well as any content derived therefrom.

Article 3 Effectiveness and Amendment of the Terms

1. The Company will notify the content of these Terms and Conditions by posting them on the webpage, and they will take effect upon the agreement of all Members.
2. The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions within the scope that does not violate the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Information and Communications Network Act, the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Content Industry Promotion Act, and the Guidelines for the Protection of Content Users as determined by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, among other pertinent laws and regulations.
3. In the event of an amendment to the Terms and Conditions, the Company will specify the effective date and reasons for the amendment and notify the Members through the webpage, email, or other means at least seven days prior to the effective date. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to the Members, a grace period of at least 30 days will be provided.
4. If the Company has clearly notified the Members that failure to express their refusal prior to the effective date of the amendment will be deemed consent, and the Members do not explicitly refuse, they will be deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms and Conditions.
5. Members who do not agree to the amended Terms and Conditions may terminate their service agreement.
6. Members must exercise caution regarding amendments to the Terms and Conditions, and the Company will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the amendments to the Terms and Conditions.
7. These Terms and Conditions will remain effective from the date of membership until the date of termination.
8. Matters not specified herein will be governed by pertinent laws and regulations and separate Terms and Conditions or user agreements for additional services provided by the Company.

CHAPTER II Use of Services and Membership Application

Article 4: Types and Contents of Service

1. The Company will provide the following services to the Members:
(1) Video production using AI humans and voices
(2) Customized AI generation through filming/recording
(3) Automatic script captioning
(4) Any other services the Company may develop or offer through partnerships
2. Provision of Information
(1) The Company may provide members with various information deemed necessary during service use through notices or emails.
(2) The Company may provide service-related information, including promotional and discount information, via email to offer better benefits.
(3) However, if a member expresses a desire not to receive such information, the Company will exclude the member from the recipient list. The Company will not be held liable for any disadvantages arising from the member’s exclusion from receiving service information.
(4) The Company may conduct regular maintenance for service provision, and the maintenance schedule will be announced on the webpage.

Article 5 Paid Services

1. The Company may provide all or part of its Services to members for a fee. Specific details regarding paid services will be governed by the paid service notices or separate paid service operation policies.
2. The Company will clearly indicate the following in paid service notices or separate paid service operation policies:
(1) Name or title of the paid service
(2) Content, user guide, fees, payment method, and other Terms and Conditions of the paid service
(3) Refund conditions and procedures for paid service fees
(4) Suspension and modification of paid service
3. Members who wish to use paid services will comply with the paid services notices or operation policies. In case of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the paid service notices or operation policies, the latter will prevail.
4. Paid Service Operation Policy
(1) Members are allowed to terminate the paid service midway only if they meet the refund conditions set by the Company.
(2) Credits issued for paid services will be reset according to the specified payment cycle and reissued upon successful payment.
(3) Paid service fees will be calculated based on the payment cycle or function of each product
(4) All paid service fees will be exclusive of value-added tax.

Article 6 Changes to Services

1. The Company may change the services provided, either wholly or partially, for operational or technical reasons if deemed necessary.
2. In the event of changes to the content, user guidelines, or available hours of the Service, the reasons for the changes, details of the changed Service, and the dates on which the Service is provided will be announced on the webpage prior to the changes taking effect.
3. The Company may modify, suspend, or change part or all of the Service provided to the Members free of charge based on the Company’s policies and operational needs without providing separate compensation to the Members unless otherwise specified by pertinent laws and regulations.

Article 7 Service Agreement Formation

A service agreement will be formed when an applicant who wishes to join the service fills out the required fields in the online application form on the webpage, agrees to the Terms and Conditions, service use terms, privacy policy, consent to personal information collection and use, and service operation policy, and the Company approves the application.

Article 8 Acceptance of Membership Application

1. The Company will accept applications that satisfy the Terms and Conditions.
2. The Company may withhold acceptance if there is no room in the service facilities or if there are technical or operational issues.
3. The Company may differentiate service use by time, frequency, etc. based on the tariff plan selected by the Member.
4. Special user agreements for proprietary service developments will be established through separate agreements.
5. The service agreement will be established when the Company’s acceptance reaches the Member.

Article 9 Service Agreement Termination and Membership Withdrawal

1. The Company may not accept or subsequently terminate the service agreement under the following circumstances:
(1) The applicant has previously lost membership qualifications according to these Terms and Conditions.
(2) The applicant provides false information or fails to provide the required information.
(3) The applicant is expected to hinder the normal provision of Services or the service used by other Members.
(4) The applicant cannot be approved due to their fault or violation of various requirements set out in the application.
(5) The Company recognizes that there is a concern that the application may violate social order or good customs according to relevant laws and regulations.
2. Members may terminate the terms of service at any time and withdraw their membership, making the service unavailable upon withdrawal.

Article 10 Collection and Delegation of Personal Information

1. The Company will collect only the minimum necessary personal information required for the formation and execution of the service agreement by lawful and fair means.
2. The Company will, at the time of collection of personal information, notify in advance of the scope and purpose of the collection in accordance with relevant laws and regulations through its privacy policy.

Article 11 Obligations Regarding ID and Password Management

1. Members will be responsible for managing their IDs and passwords and must not allow any third parties to use them.
2. The Company may restrict the use of IDs if there is a concern of personal information breach, if they are antisocial or contrary to public morals, or if they may be mistaken for the Company or its operators.
3. If a Member becomes aware that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.
4. The Company will not be held liable for any disadvantages arising from the Member’s failure to notify or follow the Company’s instructions, even if the Member has provided such notification.
5. The Company will not be held liable for any issues arising from the unauthorized use of the ID and password by others due to the Member’s negligence in management.

Article 12 Changes to Member Information

1. Members are allowed to view and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management screen. However, IDs and other essential information required for service management are, in general, not subject to change; if it is inevitable to make changes, the Member must sufficiently communicate the reasons to the Company.
2. Members shall access the website and update their information if there are any changes to the details provided during their membership application.
3. The Company will not be held liable for any disadvantages arising from the Member’s failure to update such changes.

Article 13 Notifications to Members

1. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, the Company may notify Members via the email address registered by the Member.
2. The Company may substitute individual notifications for unspecified numbers of Members by posting a notice on the webpage for at least seven days.


Article 14 Payment of Fees

1. By clicking buttons such as “Purchase,” “Pay,” or “Confirm Payment,” the member establishes a paid service user agreement according to the purchase conditions posted in these Terms and Conditions and the paid service operation policy, and the rates are charged. The imposition and payment of charges are, as a matter of principle, governed by the policies or methods separately presented by the provider of the payment method selected by the member and the electronic payment service provider.
2. Members are allowed to pay the charges for paid services using various card payment methods, such as prepaid cards, debit cards, and credit cards. In this case, the company does not impose any additional fees for the paid services other than the chosen payment method by the member.
3. Unless the company announces otherwise, the paid services become immediately available from the moment the payment is made by the member.
4. The company may set the transaction limit, including the cumulative monthly payment per member, in accordance with internal policies, the policies of the payment method provider, and relevant laws and regulations. If a member exceeds the transaction limit, the paid services may no longer be available.
5. Members must use legitimate and lawful payment methods when paying rates. The company may suspend the transaction until the legitimacy of the payment method used by the member is verified, or in certain cases, it may cancel the transaction.
6. Any affairs related to payment are delegated to ESTsoft Inc., and the actual payment is processed through a third-party electronic payment service provider.

Article 15 Regular Payments and Changes to Paid Services

1. Members must provide and save their payment method and information to use the paid services, and if any issues arise related to the registered information, the member must bear the full responsibility.
2. The rates for the product to be paid through the registered payment method are automatically charged according to the product’s payment cycle, and the paid service becomes available from the date on which the payment is made. Unless the member cancels the recurring payment, the same amount is automatically charged on the same date according to the product’s payment cycle, and the subscription period is automatically renewed. If the specified due date does not exist in a specific month, the payment is made on the last day of the said month.
3. In the case of recurring payments, the company will notify the member of the payment details under Article 13. However, this may be waived with the member’s explicit consent.
4. Even if the recurring payment is canceled, the paid service will remain available for one month from the previous due date, and after the cancellation, the payment will no longer proceed automatically.
5. If payment fails to process successfully on the due date, paid services may be temporarily suspended. If payment continues to fail, the Company may terminate the paid service agreement.
6. If a member upgrades to a higher-tier paid service (a paid service with a higher rate) during their subscription, they will be billed for the new service from the date of change, and there will be no refunds for fees already paid for the previous service. Specific details related to this matter are governed by the Company’s paid service announcements or separate paid service operation policies.

Article 16 Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.

1. Members who have entered into an agreement to purchase a paid service with the Company may withdraw their subscription within 7–15 days from the later of the payment date or the date the paid service becomes available, provided that the paid service has not been used at all.
2. In the case of services where withdrawal of a subscription is restricted by pertinent laws and regulations, such as the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the right to withdraw the subscription may be limited. However, if the law requires the Company to take measures to limit the right of withdrawal, the company will comply therewith.
3. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 1 and 2, Members may withdraw their subscription within three months from the day the content becomes available, or within 30 days from the day they become aware of or could have become aware of the fact, if the content purchased varies from what was displayed or advertised or was not provided as described in the purchase agreement.
4. When a Member withdraws a subscription, the Company will verify the purchase details through the payment service provider. In addition, the Company may contact the Member through the provided information to verify the legitimate reason for withdrawal and may require additional evidence. The Company may suspend the withdrawal until such verification is made or reject the withdrawal if verification is not available.
5. Immediately upon confirming the intention to withdraw the subscription, the Company will immediately request the cancellation of the payment to the payment service provider and proceed with the refund, deducting the PG fee, with the remaining amount being refunded using the same method employed at the time of payment. However, if it is no longer possible to make a refund using the same method, the refund will be made using a different method agreed upon by the Company and the Member.
6. To cancel your subscription or request a refund, please use the menu or contact the customer service center available for each service.
7. Matters regarding refunds due to reasons such as withdrawal of subscription or mid-term termination not specified in this Article are governed by the company’s paid service announcements or separate paid service operation policies.

Article 17 Refund of Overpayments

1. The Company refunds the full amount of any overpayment made to the Member. However, if the overpayment was due to reasons attributable to the Member without any intentional misconduct or negligence by the Company, the Member must bear the actual cost incurred for the refund within a reasonable range.
2. The Company reserves the right to cancel payments or issue refunds through the same payment method selected by the Member. In cases where a refund cannot be processed through the original method, the Company will work with the Member to find an alternative refund method.
3. If the Company delays issuing a refund, it will compensate the Member with interest on the delayed amount, calculated in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., and the Enforcement Decree thereof.
4. If the Company refuses to refund an overpayment claimed by the Member, the Company bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that the service charge was legitimately imposed.
5. To facilitate the refund of overpayments, the Company may reach out to the Member using the contact information provided and request any necessary details.


Article 18 Duties of the Company

1. The Company must not engage in any activities prohibited by relevant laws and these Terms and Conditions or against public morals and must make every effort to provide continuous and stable services.
2. The Company maintains a security system designed to empower Members to use the services safely, and discloses and complies with its privacy policy.
3. The Company does not disclose or distribute the Member’s personal information to any third party without their consent, except under the following circumstances:
(1) When required by law or requested by the relevant authorities for investigative purposes
(2) When requested by the Information Communication Ethics Committee
(3) When permitted by relevant laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Confidentiality, and any other pertinent laws
(4) The company may conduct continuous monitoring to verify whether the services are being used for their intended purposes.
(5) The company maintains procedures designed to gather the opinions of Members regarding personal information and handle complaints.
(6) The Company accepts and resolves Member complaints through various channels, including phone calls, emails, and the customer service center.

Article 19 Duty to Protect Personal Information

1. The Company endeavors to protect Members’ personal information in accordance with the Information and Communications Network Act, the Personal Information Protection Act, and other pertinent laws. The protection and use of personal information are subject to related laws and the Company’s Privacy Policy.
2. The Company takes necessary measures to allow Members to withdraw their consent to the collection, use, or provision of their personal information on the service screen.

Article 20 Duties of Members

1. Members must not engage in any of the following activities:
(1) Registering false information during application or modification
(2) Misusing another person’s information
(3) Collecting, storing, or disclosing another person’s personal information without consent
(4) Modifying or providing information posted by the Company to third parties
(5) Infringing on the Company’s or third parties’ intellectual property rights, including copyrights
(6) Damaging the reputation or interfering with the operations of the Company or third parties
(7) Using the Service for political purposes
(8) Creating content using the Service that is obscene, violent, cruel, hateful, or infringes on social order or the rights of others
(9) Posting or disclosing obscene, violent messages, profanity, faxes, audio, emails, or other information against public morals
(10) Using the Service for commercial purposes without the Company’s consent
(11) Engaging in or inciting criminal activities
(12) Engaging in acts that harm good customs or other social orders
(13) Violating current laws, terms set forth by the Company for provided services, user guidelines, service-related notices, or other regulations on service use
(14) Engaging in any acts that may interfere with or are likely to interfere with the stable operation of the Service
(15) Leasing the Service to a third party at their own discretion without given authority
(16) Transferring, selling, or providing as collateral the right to use the Service granted by the Company to a third party
(17) Engaging in other illegal or unfair acts
2. The Company may suspend the Service and terminate the agreement at its own discretion if a Member engages in any of the activities provided in Paragraph 1.
3. Members must verify their identity using the Company’s authentication methods to prevent fraudulent sign-ups before using the Service.


Article 21 Reasons for Suspension

1. The Company may suspend a Member’s service use if the Member engages in any of the following:
(1) Providing false information during application or service use
(2) Interfering with other Members’ use of the Service
(3) Using, transmitting, or posting prohibited information or computer software
(4) Circumventing or disabling the Company’s technical protection measures
(5) Violating any provisions of Article 20 (Duties of Members)
2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may immediately and permanently suspend service use for acts that violate relevant laws, such as identity theft, payment fraud, provision or operation of illegal software in violation of copyright laws, hacking, distribution of malicious software, and going beyond authorized access. Upon such suspension, all caches, data, benefits, and rights will be forfeited, and the Company does not provide any compensation related thereto. 3. If there arises a reason that renders the Company unable to provide facilities and technical services, the Company will suspend the Service, and once the issue is resolved, the Service will be made available immediately.

Article 22 Procedures for Suspension

1. If the Company intends to suspend service use under Article 21 (Reasons for Suspension), it will notify the Member of the reason, date, period, and scope of the suspension. This provision does not apply in cases where the member fails to update their contact information and cannot be reached.
2. Members who receive a suspension notice under Paragraph 1 above may file an objection to the suspension.
3. The Company will promptly review and address objections filed under Paragraph 2 and notify the applicant of the results within seven days.
4. Upon rectification of the cause for suspension, service access will be promptly reinstated.


Article 23 Modification to Terms and Conditions

1. Members must notify the Company of any modifications to the following terms of service by submitting the updated information on the webpage:
(1) Changes in the Member's name, trade name, or address
(2) Changes in the payment method
2. The Company will not be held liable for any disadvantages the Member may suffer due to unreported or delayed reporting of such changes.

Article 24 Termination and Revocation of the Agreement

1. If a member wishes to terminate the terms of service, they may apply for termination directly through the webpage. The Company will, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, accept and process the termination request without undue delay, unless there are special circumstances, and notify the member thereof.
2. The Company may terminate the terms of service without the Member’s consent and notify the Member under any of the following circumstances: Provided, however, that notification may be waived if the Company deems it necessary to terminate the agreement urgently or if it is impossible to send a notice due to reasons attributable to the Member.
(1) If the member violates these Terms and Conditions and fails to remedy the violation within a certain period
(2) If the member uses the Service for purposes other than those intended by the Company or leases the Service to a third party at their own discretion without authority
(3) If the Member violates the provisions in Article 20 (Duties of Members)
(4) If the reason for suspension of use under Article 21 (Reasons for Suspension) recurs within one year after the suspension
3. If either the Member or the Company terminates the agreement, all Member data will be deleted immediately upon termination, except where the Company is required to retain the information in accordance with relevant laws and the Privacy Policy.

Article 25 Service Discontinuation

1. The Company may temporarily discontinue the Service under force majeure circumstances such as maintenance, replacement, malfunction of computers or other information and communication equipment, interruption of communication, natural disasters, etc., in which case the Company will provide prior notice. However, if the Service is discontinued for reasons that could not be reasonably foreseen by the Company, notice may be provided thereafter. The Company will not be held liable for any damages to Members unless there is gross negligence on the part of the Company in relation to the service discontinuation.
2. The Company may decide to discontinue the Service based on a business decision and does not guarantee any loss of expected benefits to Members due to the discontinued service. In the event of a temporary suspension or discontinuation of the Service, the Company will make efforts to notify Members in advance to minimize any inconvenience caused therefrom.
3. Members will be responsible for backing up their created content registered in the Service to avoid any damage due to deletions related to the discontinued Service.


Article 26 Attribution of Rights and Use of Copyrighted Works

1. Members retain the copyright to the content they create and are also responsible for any liability arising from infringement of the intellectual property rights of others by their member-created content.
2. Members are prohibited from creating and uploading content that is obscene, violent, cruel, hateful, disrupts social order, or infringes upon the rights of others.
3. Members are prohibited from creating politically related content (Global Terms and Conditions).
4. If the Company determines that the member-created content violates copyright laws or other relevant laws or infringes upon the rights of others, such as defamation, it may delete such content or restrict access to it.
5. All trademarks, logos, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights pertaining to the design, text, script, graphics, transmission functions, etc., of the Service developed and provided by the Company are owned by the Company.
6. The Member’s use of the Service provided by the Company is governed by a limited license granted under these Terms and Conditions and does not imply any transfer of ownership or copyright of the Service to the Member.
7. Members may not transfer, sell, provide as collateral, or otherwise dispose of the right to use the Service provided by the Company to any third party.

Article 27 Management of User-Generated Videos

1. The responsibility and rights for member-generated content reside exclusively with the member who created the content.
2. The Company is not held liable for, nor guarantees, the reliability, authenticity, or accuracy of member-generated content.
3. If User-Generated Content includes content that violates laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act or the Copyright Act, the Company may take appropriate actions in accordance with relevant laws.
4. The Company does not bear any legal responsibility for user-generated content that is distributed and falls under the following categories, and the Member will be held solely responsible:
(1) Content that infringes upon another person’s privacy or defames another person
(2) Obscene content
(3) Violent content
(4) Content that causes discomfort to others through profanity or vulgar language
(5) Content that disrupts public order and morals
(6) Content that degrades specific races, genders, groups, organizations, or religions and causes discomfort
(7) Content that infringes upon the copyright of others
(8) Political content
(9) Other content deemed to adversely affect the effective use of the Service by Members
5. Member-generated content designated as private is not accessible by the Company or any third party. However, the Company may permit access to such content by the Company or other interested parties if requested by a court, investigative authority, or other administrative body, or as required by law.
6. If a Member terminates the terms of service, all copyrighted works created by the Member may be deleted. However, the Company will not be held liable if such copyrighted works are not deleted and reposted, as they are stored by a third party or reproduced through unauthorized replication.
7. The Company may retain the ID and Member information of Members who have violated these Terms and Conditions or relevant laws in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy.

Article 28 Content Consumption Platforms

1. The Company will inform members that the download and playback of final content files are only supported on devices compatible with MP4 and MP3 formats. Members are responsible for verifying the compatibility of their working environment with MP4 and MP3 formats before purchasing services that allow for the download or playback of content in these formats.
2. Members must use user-generated content created through the Company’s services in the form downloaded through the Company’s services. Members are prohibited from distorting, altering, or editing the downloaded content to create derivative works.
3. Members must save content only through the download feature provided by the Company. It is prohibited to save, transmit, or copy content using methods other than the download feature provided by the Company.


Article 29 Compensation for Damages

1. If a Member sustains damage due to reasons attributable to the Company, the Company will compensate the Member for the damage inflicted within the scope specified by the Terms and Conditions or relevant laws.
2. The Company will not be held liable for any damage caused by natural disasters or other force majeure events.
3. Any claims for compensation must be submitted to the Company via email or telephone, specifying the reasons for the claim, the amount claimed, and the basis for the calculation.
4. If the Company sustains damage due to a Member’s violation of these Terms and Conditions, the Member will be held liable to compensate the Company for the damage inflicted.
5. Members who cause damage to the Company or others and are subject to claims for compensation due to complaints or lawsuits from the affected parties must respond accordingly.

Article 30 Refunds

1. The company will not be held liable for any damage incurred by the member in the event of an inability to provide the Service under the following circumstances:
(1) Acts of God or other force majeure conditions
(2) When a planned service interruption schedule for system improvement or equipment expansion is announced in advance to provide efficient Services
(3) When the fault lies with a third party with whom the Company has a service partnership agreement
(4) When the Service disruption is due to reasons attributable to the Member
(5) When the Service interruption is caused without the Company’s intentional misconduct or negligence
2. The Company is not held liable for any member-generated content.
3. The Company is not liable for failure to provide Services under a free plan due to reasons attributable to the Company.
4. These Terms and Conditions solely apply to Members who have signed the terms of service, and the Company is not held liable for any claims or lawsuits from third parties.
5. The Service may be temporarily suspended or interrupted due to errors in computer and communication systems, and the Company does not guarantee the absence of service errors or the damage to Member-registered accounts.
6. In the event of a refund, the Company will deduct the amount corresponding to the number of days used, any benefits obtained from the paid service and PG fees. Notwithstanding the above, the Company reserves the right to establish a specific refund policy for each paid service, in which case the provisions of that policy will prevail over the aforementioned terms. If a separate detailed refund policy applies, the Company will provide adequate notice through appropriate means, such as displaying it as a cautionary note during the purchase process.

Article 31 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. These Terms and Conditions are written in Korean. They are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. In the event of a dispute arising between the Company and the Member in connection with the use of the Services, both parties must engage in earnest negotiations to resolve the dispute.
2. The resolution of disputes will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set out under the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea, and legal action may be instituted in the competent court as determined by said Act.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Effective Date) These Terms and Conditions will come into force on July 30, 2024.